Tag: dtcdigital

Social Media Management

social media management

Are we social enough to social manage? What is social media management for brands and what it is not? For sure social media is a huge highway of social networks. It’s like millions of people saying something about someone at sometime. So why do brands need to be on this highway? Is it really that charming and […]

Brand Management

brand management

You know “we are crazy creative people” we say. digitally crazy 🙂 Why you think? What can it be all about brand management being crazy? First of all we all are consumers. We are the targeted audience. But are we the customer for our client? You can’t manage a brand unless you are your own customer. Think of it! […]

digital is all we are about

dtcdigital - boutique digital agency

We are a boutique digital agency. Some crazy creative people, we say. 🙂 But who are we? We live and enjoy life on a coastal town, Datça, Muğla, Turkey. We are digital marketing professionals. We worked for over than 10 years in the hectic digital marketing business in Istanbul and overseas. We now prefer to live a less crowded […]


It all starts with a word and a pixel. The rest is communication. Digital communication…

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